A Cup Of Mocha
Cookie mania *whoop whoop*
Posted on @Sunday 23 February 2014 with 0 comments.
HI. So recently i made soft bake chocolate chip cookies! Its a handful to say right? I honestly did not plan to make soft baked cookies, i just wanted to make normal crunchy cookies. BUT, i did something that made me realize the secret to making soft-baked cookies. And i have decided to share with you. YAY

Um so for the recipe, any chocolate chip cookie recipe will do, honestly. I actually followed the chocolate chip cookie recipe from a cookbook and um if you want to follow my recipe, can. If you want to use your own recipe also can. Anything works :) um i don't have the steps to my recipe, but almost all cookie recipe have the same steps. So  you can just look up online for the steps, or even ask your mom. Moms know best right? Hahaha im just kidding XD

200g (7 oz) butter + more for greasing
200g (7 oz) brown sugar or grated palm sugar
100g (3 1/2 oz) castor sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 egg whites
400g (14 1/3 oz) plain flour (sifted)
1 tsp baking powder
250g (9 oz) chocolate chips
150g (5 1/3 oz) cashew nuts (optional)

And so the process begins :)

Secret to making soft-baked cookies:
Okay, so i found out the secret to soft-baked cookies is what you do to the cookies after its been taken out of the oven.
Tip 1: After the cookies have been taken out, leave them to harden for about 1-2 mins. After 1-2 mins, scrape the cookies from the tray if it sticks to it. FLIP THE COOKIES OVER ON THEIR BOTTOMS AND LEAVE THEM ON THE STEAMING HOT TRAY.

this is actually the secret. The heat from the pan would rise and when it touches the cooler cookies, some of the heat would condense into tiny water droplets and get trapped in the loose air pockets of the cookies, otherwise known as holes, and this would help to soften the centre of the cookies. HEHE now you know the secret.

After the cookies are flipped, leave them to cool for about 5 mins before storing them or devouring them. TEEHEE hope this has been useful or somehwat helpful to you. I hope you get inspired to try making soft baked cookies. Trust me, it is WORTH the hassle.

Hahaha. So im off for now. Apologies for no images in this blog post. I did take pictures of the process of making the cookies but blogger rejected my photos :(((( idk whyyyyy. Maybe its the format of the photo. So next week its back to sukainah for food posts hahaha. Oh and we just ended CTs so we have somewhat "leisure time" to do more often blog posts :DDDD TTYL!