A Cup Of Mocha
Breakfast Ideas!
Posted on @Sunday 20 April 2014 with 0 comments.

Well hello there, good morning! ☁ ☼ In today's post, we will provide some breakfast ideas for you busy people (especially students) who just simply do not have enough time for breakfast! These ideas are simple and quick, you can eat them on the way to school/ work!

1) Cereals

Cereals are very portable, be it when it comes in a small package or large package. When you buy small boxes of cereals, what is it that's preventing you from bringing it along so you can snack on your way to school? NOTHING! So, go ahead, bring these little boxes of cereals so you can snack on them on your way to school/work! Even if they come in large packages, pack them in smaller tupperwares, and you're good to go! My preferred cereals would obviously be the ones on the pictures! Froot Loops, Milo cereals and Honey Stars! ♥

2) Granola/Muesli Bars

In my snacks ideas post, i did not manage to post my very own pictures. And now that i finally did, the top picture shows my ultimate fav brand for muesli bars! They're so good, so portable and not too pricey! Grab one before you leave your house, and you're good to go! No more breakfast-less day!

3) Cookies/ Biscuits

Cookies and biscuits are great snacks for mornings, especially for those of you who dislike/ cannot eat heavily in the morning! Pack some cookies (oatmeal/ almonds/ butter/ choco chips/ anything you prefer) in small little tupperwares the night before, and grab it before you leave!

4) Muffins

Personally, i'm grateful to have a mother who is a morning person. She will wake up at 4am every morning to provide us with quality food for breakfast. And of cos, one of the most favourite breakfast food we love is her vanilla muffins. It doesn't have to be vanilla muffins, it can be orange muffins or almond muffins. Muffins are filling food that'll fill your empty tummy in the morning! Mmm.

5) Bread 

Have you ever lacked the idea of what to make with bread? I recommend you making a ham/egg sandwich with lettuces/ cucumber/ tomatoes! So long as you have protein and vitamins in your sandwich, you're good! They're easy to prepare, you can prepare them the night before and pop it in the fridge, and the next morning, just grab it, heat it and munch on it on your way to school/ work! Mmm!

So, i guess thats all for now! Hopefully this post will help you to not have anymore breakfast-less days! Enjoy and make your own breakfast with the simple ideas! Cheers!

DISCLAIMER: All pictures with watermarks are taken and owned by @_sukainah143 unless otherwise stated.